Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A smile . An important element in positive thinking

A smile is one of the most important elements in positive thinking.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to become a dynamic person and break out of your shell.

How to break out of your shell and become a dynamic person.
You can not be shy in today's society.  Being shy period is bad. It creates bad energy.
I was shy. Why or how does one become shy.   Several reasons, Our enviroment has a lot to do with our behavioral patterns. My parents I remeber always told  me to be auiet at dinner. Just eat and be quiet they would say. They also told me many times,, do not talk to strangers or grown ups. do not talk to your teacher, or just plain be quiet.
Some more damaging words parents tell us, do not cross the street with out asking us.
This is ok , but at age 12.. Then all the rules. do not eat meat with dairy , do not sleep
with a pillow, do not stare, do not watch tv , do not ask questions, especially about sex.
So one grows up very controlled and afraid to make his or her decisions.
It is not until we realize what controls us , that we wake up. Heh , I am going to think for myself.
I do not need someone thinking for me.  When you realize this, there should be an anger inside you. This is good. It is as the lion in you has woken up after  many years of being dormant.
Wake up!!!!! Wake up!!!!! You must tell yourself over and over again. This is my life.
I am in control. Now you might ask, what do I do now.
Answer, you start to make changes. Here is a good suggestion.
When you talk to people look at them straight in the eyes. Do not for even a split second look in another direction. Here I am. I am powerful,
and I have power over you, you must tell yourself. Stand straight up, talk slowly and clearly
with confidence while you look the person right in the eyes. Very important concept.
Be agressive, take control of the situation. Whatever you do not be hesitant. Be sure
of yourself.  You might say to yourself, well I have bad grammer, I did not go to college
I can not talk well. Not important, Talk, be heard, no matter how bad your language skills are you will be understood.  Do not let people push you around, or intimidate you.
That includes religous leaders, teachers, friends, parents, your boss,  etc.
You are not afraid of anything or anybody, you are like a tank that seeks and destroys.
You have  to live each day as a psyche. Get pumped up both physically and emotionally.
Some of you might say , well I am green , or blue so I have a disadvantage in life.
Wrong!!!! If you think you have a disadvantage then try even  harder,. Create your negative energy into positive. Do not feel sorry for yourself. And learn how to run over people who get in your way. Ignore people who put you down.
     I was so shy I was afraid to talk to anybody. I used to think of myself as an outcast.
I used to think of myself as being, stupid, ugly, and undesirable to women. 
You know I still think of myself as being ugly and not quite as stupid. But so what.
That is me, that is what makes up my person. Who cares!! But I do not think of myself as being undesirable to the opposite sex anymore. Because I like you am a unique person.
And it is your uniqueness that makes you special and attractive to other people.
I am a pianist. And I hid behind the piano a long portion of my life.
And would you believe that now I have become a
show man on the piano, not only do I perform but I tell stories, and jokes, and get involved with my audience. I might not be very funny , but my sense of humor is unique. I have become very relaxed on the stage now. Because I do not think of what some people in the audience will think of me. People will always criticize, especially the ones that are jealous. So every time I go out on stage I feel full of confidence. Because I give my audience all that I have.
I psyche myself up before I perform. And that is what you have to do each day, get psyched, 
because you can do whatever you want to.
This is what my you tube channel is all about. Newamericacd is a mass of positive energy.
Come join us and get psyched.


They laughed when I sat down to play the piano.

They Laughed at me when I played the Piano.
      Let me begin to say that they do not anymore.  However when I first started taking lessons the neigbors were criticizing my dad for paying for my lessons. 
Remarks like,  your wasting your time., your wasting your money, your son will never
practise , etc.  They were wrong. And while their children were playing baseball I was praticing the piano. I never regret it.  Piano lessons helped get me through my childhood.
That is another  story I will blog after this one.  So what is the message in this paragraph I
just wrote. very simple., do not listen to anybody that tells you you can not or should not do 
something you want to do, no matter how dreamy it sounds like, do it. You only live once,
enjoy it and give  it everything you have. 
   It is very important to add that during the period of time it takes to get to your goal,
you will experience failures, rejections, people laughing behind your back etc.
        I will give you an example.. I started to play the piano at age 6.   At age 12
I was accompanying singers in the catskill mountains in new york state.  It was hard,, and I was under a lot of pressure.  I traveled from gig to gig with some of the entertainers.
Let me add that the catskill mountains was a great training ground for musicians to learn how to read and sight read.  Getting back to my example of how cruel people can be,,
I was 13 yrs old and i had to accompany a woman singer I never rehearsed with before.
She handed me the music and I had to play it. I was doing ok until someone asked her for a request. She told me to fake it.  She started to sing but I could not follow her, nor find her key.  The entire audience started to boo at me.  I felt terrible. I will never forget it.
I left in tears, my dad who drove me to the job and back told me these exact words.
Richard someday you will be able to read and accompany anybody, People will kiss your feet to have you work for them. And he was right. I commanded a lot of respect in the following years, I learned how to transpose, sight read, arrange, fake tunes, conduct,
program music , play any style, play left hand bass while playing melody, I learned
religous music, all kinds of international music, learned how to contract, how to 
build stage presence, how to make an audience laugh and jump to their feet, and the list goes on.    I did this with determination that someday I will get the last laugh, And I did.
I completed my mission and I will never look back.
For those of you who face similar circumstances where people are telling you you can not or should not do this, tell them to mind their own business. I like many of you continue to dream. I am at the age where I would like to travel  and write. I am trying to develop a career as a Positive thinker expert
,song writer, funny podcaster and life coach. Its a dream,, but I am going to reach it.
And yes people are laughing at me including my wife, who is has been telling me,, what are you doing?
you can not make money writing blogs, making videos, making funny podcasts,
You should see a doctor, go get a job working at publix. 
        Fellow dreamers, keep dreaming. It is a long process to get to where you want to be.
Rome was not built in a day.  We all have blocks that we need to remove. These blocks are the bad energy that try to invade the good energy. We need to stick together , and this is why I started the youtube channel newamericacd. It is for dreamers like us who do not give up.
Maybe you have a wife, husband or parent that is telling you to get a real job, or do something constructive.  Do not listen to them. Do what you love now. Life is very
short my friends.  We are the real champions. The people that dare to do something, different  and special.
My next  blog I would like to discuss how to change bad energy into good energy.
I will discuss how we all pay dues in life. Many of us had it rough growing up.
An abusive stepmother , which I had or an abusive stepbrother , which I had also.
i was an angry person for many years. Planning on revenge, but I channeled this anger into
a great energy. An energy that will never stop.  

Monday, May 28, 2012

The story of Mark Thompsons fall and rise

Mark Thompsons fall and recovery.
Welcome to my blog. Here is a touchy story about a young man who has been thru
hard times and has come back.
Please listen to him at the newamericacd podcast direct from miami florida.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to train to become a classical guitarist

How To Train To Be Classical Guitarist.
The classical guitar has to be one of the most difficult instruments to play well.
There is so much involved.  But the end resluts are worh all the pain and sacrifice that go into learning  this beautiful instrument.  I would suggest that you learn to read music before.
Then start with the Julio Sagreras book  I also recommend the following books. Guiliani.
Sors complete. Carcassim complete.
 Practice slowly and carefully. Practice what you have problems with,  do not practise what you know. Learn to practise conisitently
and constructivly.  15 minutes a day of constructive pratcise is better than 6 hours of playing what you know..
         Practise a few measures at a time. Never the whole piece. Then you can put it together and play the  piece in its entirety.
      I am a professional  pianist that like you also
desires to become a classical guitarist.
I  am offering a free course in which we can all learn together. My years of classical training has helped me to understand the difficulties incolved with the classicsl guitar.
I have also studied violin, clarinet, flute. So I understand how one should practise and most important what one should practise.
Please follow my studies at  http://www.youtube.com/newamericacd


How to train to become a Jazz Pianist

How to train to become a jazz pianist.
First I would suggest that you listen to the old time jazz. Listen as much as you can.
The reason why I suggest the older time jazz is becaues it has a structure that is well defined both in terms of chords and melody.
Lets take an example of a song. The standards are the best old type jazz songs.
So an example such as As Time Goes bye... now that is a great jazz song,, or tenderly,
or Days of wine and roses. Wow , what music,, I dont call the so called new jazz jazz.
It sounds like the musicians are taking out their frustrations while performing.
   Besides listening you must learn to read music, play all scales, arps, work on technique,
understand harmony and theory, chord movements, progressions, transcription and on and on. Its an art form that can be learned. But with a lot of dedication.
You might ask yourself,, heh , where can I study to be a jazz pianist that can teach me
all the requirements in becoming a good jazz pianist.
Answer,, you can study with my course, and its free, at 

So you want to be a classical Pianist.

So you want to be a classical pianist.
Well this sounds easy.   But would you believe me if I told you a good pianist
has to study more than a doctor.   And the studying never stops.
Well you might say,, it looks so easy, you just move your hands and your fingers and you can play. That really is mot the case.  To become a classical pianist is a great task. First of all, you have to decide that you will have no other life because  every waking hour you will have to practise and remember music that is technically difficult to play. Not only difficult to play in terms of finger dexterity but also in terms of interpretation. Interpretation is where you will be critiqued the most.
So if you do not want to have children, or have a spouse, or not have a life at all, then being a concert pianist might be for you.  Rather I would suggest practising to become a semi classical 
      Now you might ask yourself.   What is a semi classical pianist?  My definition of a semimclassical  pianist is one that is a Juliard dropout or a classical pianist that never made a living as a classical pianist.
Liberacci was an example of a semi classical pianist. Also Roger Williams, Peter Nero,
etc. All classically trained musicians. Now what does classically trained mean?
A classicaly trained musician, has studied hanon, scales, arpa, thirds, octaves,
clementi, czerny for dexterity. Kulak for octaves, and the list goes on.
A classically trained musician also has practiced many etudes. Such as the chopin etudes.
You also might ask. What are etudes? Etudes actually are a lot more fun to play than just exercisies.  They are a repertoire of musical exercises. They have several  melodies or themes but each one has a purpose of its own. Some might cover the improvement of the 
playing of the fourth and fifth fingers, etc etc.
   So what I cover in my classical course is technical training that will allow you to
play songs such as the autumn leaves, love story,  michele le grand rep,
liveracci type repertoire, blue danube and countless other pieces that your audience will go crazy
when they hear you glide up and down the piano. Just give rhem a smile and you will be a hit.
    My course starts with a book called Hanon The virtuoso pianist in Sixty Lessons.
Then the course covers octave dexterity which is the most important part of technique training. I explain this in my course. You might be saying to yourself that  this course must be expensive.  Well guess what, it is free. You can start today by visitng my youtube channel.


Richard Shapiro

Richard Shapiro
Composer Spiritual Leader- Positive Thinking

About Me

My photo
Hello, My name is Richard Shapiro, I believe that at this point in my life I am qualified to write about how to improve ones life in terms of happiness and success.Of course eveyone has their own definition on the word success, The main theme in the following discussions is positive thinking. How to think positive. When to know when you are faced with bad energy and how to deal with it.